Saturday 25 April 2009

A-L & May 09 Hb's

Hi, Nat 'ere.
A-L was deleted!
Ha, old-ish news,
but the 3 or 4 new 1's were deleted aswell.

Move to the hb's
I love the jacket and the bow, and the swiming costume kinda reminds
me of DKNY for some reason.

Love to hear your say, bye!


Saturday 18 April 2009

New acsessories!

If you look in the shop 'splendid' you can see some new
acsessories, here are the pics:

Thursday 16 April 2009

New LE!!

Hey, its Nat, as always...

Ok, so finally the new LE's come out, and actully, I'm a bit dissapointed,
Its not really my style, but o' wel!

- Natalie xoxo

Wednesday 15 April 2009

Just thanks to ormond!

Just a big thanks to ormond, she made the boarder on our blog, cute i'nt it?

She also has a blog:

Visit it!

Tuesday 14 April 2009

New street dance clothes (love or h8?)

Ok, so, the new(well, kinda new) street clothes have come out,
 like 'em, hate 'em, post here!

- nat-nat345

Monday 13 April 2009

Bloggers(could be you)

Ok so, hi, this is gonna be a fah-bu-lous blog!
If yhoo want a job in my blog mail my account (nat-nat345) and you'll be a guest blogger! Keep it up, you'll be a blogger until you quit, you have to mail me the ideas.

- nat-nat345