Friday 17 July 2009

Apologies and winners!!!!

Ok, I'm sorry about not being on, I forgot the password, dumb I know. ( x] )

Anyway in my club StardollsAngels I made a senary contest and I promised to featured the winners, so they are:

1st: Aycas_4


Sunday 21 June 2009

New club about the blog, new person on the team, lots of new stuff.

Hello, Natalie here and I've made a new
club for the blog on stardoll
called stardollsAngels.

And we have a new person working here, its Kate aka


Tuesday 9 June 2009

Stardoll-Money stealers

Stardoll are giving you a chance to get a dress,
For 250 sd!
If you brought LE.
I think they're being heartless, just want us to buy money with our money.
Here's a pic


Friday 15 May 2009

Huh? and New shop, DIY.

Ok, hi, so guess what? Callie.stardoll (that lady who runs the sd mag.) Shes cg!
Ok, maybe I'm 2 days late but, oh well.

Anyway, theres a new shop called DIY where superstars put together their own clothes.
I really like it, 'coz its not expensive, but theres like, only 1 thing for non-ss.
Anyway, see what you think.
Click here to visit starplaza

Saturday 25 April 2009

A-L & May 09 Hb's

Hi, Nat 'ere.
A-L was deleted!
Ha, old-ish news,
but the 3 or 4 new 1's were deleted aswell.

Move to the hb's
I love the jacket and the bow, and the swiming costume kinda reminds
me of DKNY for some reason.

Love to hear your say, bye!


Saturday 18 April 2009

New acsessories!

If you look in the shop 'splendid' you can see some new
acsessories, here are the pics:

Thursday 16 April 2009

New LE!!

Hey, its Nat, as always...

Ok, so finally the new LE's come out, and actully, I'm a bit dissapointed,
Its not really my style, but o' wel!

- Natalie xoxo